The IASLC Supportive Training for Advocates on Research and Science (STARS) Scholar Program recognizes active patient research advocates (PRAs) who have been personally impacted by lung cancer. Successful applicants must meet certain criteria to qualify for the scholar program including being current members of the IASLC, demonstrating knowledge of lung cancer science and research, and being willing to learn about and advocate for various types of lung cancer.
The STARS Scholar Program includes travel and accommodations to attend the World Conference on Lung Cancer in person, as well as different on-site activities. While at WCLC, STARS Scholars have the opportunity to meet with and learn from STARS Mentors and advocates. The landscape of lung cancer research is an ever-changing one, which makes the advocacy efforts of both STARS Scholars and Mentors that much more important.
2024 STARS Scholars
Sydney Barned (USA)
John Cannings (Australia)
Yvonne Diaz (UK)
Anita McGrath (Australia)
Tim Monda (Canada)
James Pantelas (USA)
Jane Perlmutter (USA)
Emily Venanzi (USA)
Christine Wu (Canada)
2024 STARS Mentors
Anne-Marie Baird (Ireland)
Andrew Ciupek (USA)
Jill Feldman (USA)
Lillian Leigh (Australia)
Upal Basu Roy (USA)
Read IASLC Announces 2024 Class of Patient Research Advocates to learn more about the new cohort of PRAs training to participate in thoracic oncology research advocacy.