IASLC recently reported its flagship publication, the Journal of Thoracic Oncology, once again improved its impact factor to 20.4 in 2022, up from 20.1 in 2021. The JTO, the official journal of the IASLC, ranks 4th among 65 respiratory medicine journals and 13th out of 241 oncology journals.
An academic journal’s impact factor is a measure of the frequency with which the average article has been cited in a particular year. Impact factors are measured by calculating the number of times journal articles in the two preceding years are cited in a current year. Thus, the impact factor for 2022 reflects the number of times articles published in 2020 and 2021 were cited in 2022. The higher the impact factor, the more highly ranked the journal. Journal citation reports are issued by Clarivate Analytics.
“It is generally difficult for organ-specific oncology journals to make a significant impact in the oncology publishing landscape,” said JTO Editor-in-Chief Alex A. Adjei, MD, PhD. “With an impact factor of 20.4, JTO is the leading journal in thoracic oncology and in the top 15 of all cancer journals. I would like to thank our authors, readers, reviewers, editors, editorial staff, and publication staff for helping us grow this journal, which is now the number one journal focusing on disseminating research and therapy of thoracic malignancies.”